Dear Salad Lover…


I love to eat. One of my earliest memories is of my aunt spoon-feeding me and exclaiming, “Such a good eater!” Beyond that, I know good food is sacred. As I grew up, though, I became aware of the ugly injustices of the industrial food system. I saw that I could join the movement of small-scale organic farmers and conscious eaters who are creating a delicious alternative. After working on a diverse array of small organic farms around the country since 2016, I am so grateful to be kicking off my 4th season as New Tradition Farm, and my very first season here in Huntington VT, growing on Jubilee Farm’s land and focusing on what I love to grow and eat the most: salad veggies!

At heart, New Tradition Farm is a call to action for a better, tastier world. Don’t you think we need some new traditions in our culture and in our food system? I do. We as a society have been destroying our Earth, destroying each other, and eating really gross, toxic, lifeless food as we do so. New Tradition Farm calls on us--as salad farmer and salad eaters--to flip the script together and instead create traditions of nurturing the Earth, nurturing our communities, and eating really delicious, life-giving food while we do it.

So what does that look like in practice? As your farmer, I will tend to the land in a way that enhances the life of the soil and the vitality of our ecosystem. We will pack and deliver produce in as eco-friendly of a way as possible. With your support, dear salad lover, each week we will donate vegetables to the Williston Food Shelf. May all be fed!

While on paper New Tradition farm is a one-person show, I use the word “we” because I would not be able to bring you this bounty of sustainable salad bliss without the support of family, friends, mentors, Sarah Jane Williamson who is the extraordinary and owner of Jubilee Farm, my life partner Irene, and of course, salad lovers like you! You’ll hear more about all these characters in our CSA newsletter, so please sign up below! Let’s eat our way to a better world and create some new traditions together.

Your farmer,